Digital transformation is challenging even under the best circumstances. Successful programs require new ways of working, upskilling on unfamiliar technology, and enhanced collaboration. However, many digital transformation initiatives end up delivering static operating documents, updated operating principles, and traditional instruction guides that don’t fully drive change. While existing employees and leaders may be aware of these new principles, digital operationalization often lags behind or relies on ad hoc tools and communication methods. To overcome these hurdles, many leading brands are turning to workflow management tools to codify and enforce their transformation initiatives. When implemented correctly, these systems help workers stay on task and empower leaders to enforce new processes.
Operationalize and unlock value in your digital transformation with three key workflow planning considerations:
1. Establish Work Intake and Prioritization
New priorities required by digital transformation can be overlooked because many organizations operate on autopilot, continuing to accept work and execute tasks as they always have. Shifting from business-as-usual operations prevents a drain on operational capacity and ensures a focus on new priorities. A robust workflow management system can help by creating a structured queue for work requests and establishing a clear process for accepting or rejecting tasks. This system empowers leaders to deprioritize low-value work and focus on mission-critical tasks. As the new, transformed processes mature, automation can be applied to streamline request approvals, further reducing the leadership burden.
2. Manage Tasks and Projects Efficiently
Leading organizations manage thousands of tasks and numerous projects simultaneously. A workflow management tool can automate task routing, reducing unnecessary back-and-forth about work details. Advanced systems can convert tasks into pre-templated projects, breaking them down into sub-tasks like approval workflows that speed up progress. Moreover, these systems offer flexible task and project models, allowing tasks to be rerouted as capacity demands. With agile routing options, modern workflow management systems help teams stay adaptable and efficient.
3. Enhance Reporting and Analytics
Transformed operations require new reporting mechanisms to ensure adoption and success. Workflow management tools offer tracking capabilities by task and worker, while also aggregating data across portfolios, budgets, goal alignment, and other critical dimensions. This allows leaders to generate executive scorecards and assess collective efforts toward strategic goals. By implementing a structured workflow, leaders gain visibility into capacity constraints, upskilling opportunities, and redundancies, enabling quick and informed decision-making.
Despite significant investments in new strategies, many enterprises struggle with outdated operations that hinder execution. Modern workflow management systems are key to supporting optimized operational models and empowering real-time decision-making to keep digital transformations on track.
At iCrossing, we apply these three planning considerations through a structured approach tailored to your specific needs:
- Assess your current work processes and procedures to identify task and project pain points.
- Create new, harmonized processes for tasks and projects that incorporate transformational dimensions.
- Establish a structured work intake and prioritization system to ensure alignment.
- Evaluate teams and work assignments to execute new priorities.
- Develop enhanced reporting requirements to enable leadership.
- Select the best tools to enable effective workflow management and realize transformation goals.
Ready to revolutionize your marketing efforts and achieve growth? Partner with us to implement practical workflow management solutions that will drive business outcomes. Let’s start transforming your marketing strategy together.